跟大家推薦一個全世界最大的手工車架社群網站 , 在這邊有許多手工車架的師父 , 他們為了自己的夢想,做著自己的單車 - NAHBS
NAHBS 手工車架社群的精神在這個網站清楚的指出
"Some use traditional methods. Others use cutting-edge technologies. But all true frame builders share a belief in producing bicycles to match the desires of individuals, not demands of the market. The North American Handmade Bicycle Show is the world’s premier showcase for frame builders and our mission is to celebrate the artistry, skill, and inspiration of their craft."
圖片引自 http://www.handmadebicycleshow.com/about/
手工車架是一種藝術 , 也是一種追求完美 , 獨一無二的精神 .